Steven and John from Beverley booked an adventure of a lifetime to go trekking in the Himalayas. After reaching their goal they went a little further to Kalapathar. Setting off for home the two men decided to join other tourists and take a small chartered plane from a remote airstrip which would shave a day off their downward trek.
That decision nearly cost Steven and John their lives. This remarkable video footage, shot using an Apple iPhone shows some of their adventures what it was like on board that light air craft, which was basically going to fly off the end of the mountain.
Steve & John stand with wreckage of the plane that just moments earlier crashed with them inside
Video: A short video showing some highlights from their trek and the plane crash Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size
[nggallery id=313] Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size
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