Alan Finney’s Triumph TR6 @ Beverley Classic Car Rally

What is a motor engineer supposed to do when he retires?

In Alan Finney’s case it was simple – more of the same please!

Alan, 74 and from North Ferriby, was among hundreds of car owners exhibiting their pride and joy at Beverley’s Classic Car Rally on Wednesday.

His particular car – a pale yellow Triumph TR6 – sat next to a red version of the same car that he had restored himself over the past decade, one of five Triumphs he has restored.

The immaculate appearance of both cars is testament to the skill and enthusiasm of Alan.

He told “When I retired I wondered what I was going to do. Then I bought and restored my first Triumph and it went from there.

“I love Triumphs, but what is so good about working on them is that it is easy to get the parts.

“This car was originally a left-hand drive as it was made for the American market, where I got it from, so I had to convert it and turn it into a right-hand drive car.

“There is a big community worldwide of Triumph fans and we share news and parts if needed.

“I go to plenty of shows with the car, and we are at Sledmere Hall soon.

“It gives me great pleasure to see so many people ask me about my cars.”

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