September is the most popular month for birthdays worldwide. It’s no surprise, as nine months prior is the Christmas holiday period. Parties, celebrations and socialising are in full swing as people make the most of their time off in every way.
On top of the frequent parties, Christmas is a very romantic time of year. Think cuddling up by the warm fire, soft music playing in the background, a bear-skin rug on the floor and your loved one lying next to you in a matching jumper. If snow was falling peacefully outside, the image would be perfect. But how often does this happen?
It must be the celebrations and social opportunities that lead to late night antics. Whatever the reason, it’s a fact that a lot of people fall pregnant in the winter holiday period, expectedly or not.
Many people spend time planning and organising a baby long before any signs of pregnancy appear.
Women consider their job, relationship and experience as factors in determining the right time to reproduce. Ideally you would have established a successful and financially stable career, a loving and healthy relationship and achieved many life goals prior to falling pregnant.
This is why women are now leaving pregnancy until later in life. The average woman in the UK is waiting until she is 30-years old to become a mum.
However, life can be unexpected and it’s hard to pinpoint a time when all three factors will be perfectly aligned. Is there ever really a perfect time to have a baby?
The time of year won’t determine what kind of mum you’ll be. As long as you’ve got plenty of Clearblue Advice and can provide the baby with all the love and care it needs, then you’ll succeed.
Gone are the days when a woman is expected to sacrifice her career for a baby. You can have both. Workplace and government initiatives have made it a whole lot easier for women to manage their work and parental responsibilities. The most recent advancement is the government’s plan to have an updated maternity leave system in effect in 2015. This change will allow women to share their maternity leave with their partner, giving greater working flexibility to mothers.
Realistic changes being made to government laws like this give parents more freedom and options, meaning no matter when you fall pregnant, it will be a good time.
A baby may not be the top of your Christmas list, but you can still indulge in the spirit of it all and celebrate the holidays.