Holocaust Memorial Day @ Longcroft School

Holocaust Memorial Day @ Longcroft School

East Riding commemorations to mark Holocaust Memorial Day were held at Longcroft School in Beverley, where students presented a poignant performance focussing on the horrors of the concentration camps.

With a theme of ‘The Journey’, the students told stories of loss, sorrow, salvation, remembrance and hope for the future through music and poetry, and extracts from work written by Holocaust survivors.

The school was invited to host the memorial event by East Riding of Yorkshire Council, whose chairman, Councillor Claude Mole, described it as ‘a very humbling experience’.

He said the horror and scale of what had happened made it a difficult subject to convey, but added: “The beautifully played pieces and the heartfelt monologues read by the pupils and teachers made us in the audience poignantly aware of a tragedy almost beyond comprehension.

“I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the staff and pupils of Longcroft School for all their hard work.”

Mr O’Donnell said: “I would like to thank the East Riding of Yorkshire Council for asking Longcroft School to host their Holocaust Memorial event this year; it has been a privilege to do so.

“ It was clear that the words, sounds and images the audience saw and heard conjured in their minds some sense of the horrors of the Holocaust, whilst also illustrating the inherent desire within the human race for good to prevail over evil. I was very proud of our students and staff for organising such a thought provoking event and for the quality of every individual contribution.”

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