Light Source MD Praises Beverley Rugby Club’s Ladies Day Event

Light Source MD Praises Beverley Rugby Club's Ladies Day Event

Light Source the company who sponsored Beverley RUFC Ladies Day event say they have already agreed back next year’s event.

Light Source are a specialist supplier to the Telecommunications Industry. They design and build networks for some of the major operators in the UK and have been a partner to Kcom for over three years deploying ‘Light Stream’ – the super fast fibre broadband network.

Light Source’s Managing Director Steve Hill explained how his company got involved with the Beavers. Speaking to he said;

“We have an ongoing association with Beverley RUFC and currently sponsor one of the hoardings.”

“Light Source also has a great affinity with Beverley and its people as the initial areas we installed fibre were in and around the Beverley area. “

“We genuinely feel at home when out and about in the town, so much so that one of our Directors stays in Beverley, Monday to Friday, and one of ‘your own’, Jim Young,  is our Head of Engineering.”

“It is classed as our “social” base and Kevan Egan, the Operations Director,  can be found in Nelly’s most nights!”

“ We also have an ongoing partnership with Beverley Job Centre, and have held recruitment events to employ local people.”

“As soon as  we had an invitation from a committee member we jumped at the chance to support the Ladies Day at the Rugby Club.”

While the company wanted to back a local team Mr. Hill also felt wanted to support what he sees as a worthwhile cause, he said;

“This was not only to support BRUFC, but also to give something back to such an inspirational charity supporting breast cancer patients.”

“The event was very well run and excellent fun. My guests had a wonderful day, from what they remember.”

“I have attended and paid for many ‘professional’ sports events and I can genuinely say that I have never felt such a warm and friendly welcome.”

“We were treated incredibly well by all of the back room team at Beaver Park and I fully appreciated all of the hard work and preparation that went into the event. Beverley Rugby Club should be really proud.”

In fact they had such a good time the Light Source will again be backing Ladies Day, Mr. Hill added;

“Light Source have already committed to sponsor the event next year and also look forward to the Annual Fund Raising Dinner in April where we have booked a table.”

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