Mayor of Beverley Robert Begnett says a survey conducted in local schools has revealed that young people in Beverley want more activities in the town.
According to the results from the survey what young people want in the town is access to courses like a bake off and open days at the Beverley Leisure Centre.
Concerns relating to the behaviour of some youths in Beverley were raised at the annual town meeting following the removal of youth workers on the street.
In a comment made social media Cllr Begnett whose scheme to launch a Youth Coalition in the Town was awarded a £5,000 grant explained more about his plans for a youth coalition saying;
“The basic idea is for the Town Council to act as an umbrella organisation for all of the existing organisations that are involved with youth activities. However, we want to include young people in the decision-making regarding possible events and activities.”
“We have some ideas, we’ve already canvassed 200+ young people with questionnaires so far and they’ve made suggestions of what they might like. The next step is to get them along to look at these, make suggestions, or even bring new ideas, and we’ll help facilitate them.”
“So, some ideas raised so far are cooking lessons/bake offs, photography courses, Battle of the Bands, football tournament, open day at the leisure centre, bushcraft courses.”
Many of the activities highlighted in the survey were offered at Burden Road Youth Club until East Riding of Yorkshire Council closed the facility as a dedicated youth centre and turning it into an Adult Education Centre.
Similar meetings over the years have taken place with even the MP Graham Stuart lending his support to trying to offer young people more on the estate.
However plans then to introduce activities took a real blow when the all weather surface was replaced by a state of the art housing scheme, a move at the time some residents described as robbing them of their open space.
Residents on the Swinemoor Estate will meet with local officials in April as they look to tackle the issues faced on the estate that have escalated since the cuts made to youth services in the town.