MP Graham Stuart Says He Is Honoured To Be Reselected

MP Graham Stuart Says He Is Honoured To Be Reselected
MP Graham Stuart Says He Is Honoured To Be Reselected

MP Graham Stuart says he is honoured after he confirmed he was reselected to represent the Conservative Party in June’s General Election.

Mr. Stuart who enjoys a commanding majority is the odds on favourite to retain his seat for the third time and looking to represent Beverley & Holderness for the fourth time.

In a post made on his official Facebook Page he wrote;

I am honoured to have been reselected as the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Beverley & Holderness.

I’m asking local people to allow me to continue working hard for the East Yorkshire area for another five years.

At the election the choice is between strong and stable leadership in the national interest with Theresa May and the Conservatives – or weak and unstable coalition government led by Jeremy Corbyn.

If we are to get the best possible deal from the EU and have a clean Brexit it is vital that we give Theresa May our backing. Every vote for Theresa May will make our economy more secure and every vote for Jeremy Corbyn will put our security at risk.

Our plan to deliver the best possible deal for Britain is opposed by the other parties. The country is coming together, but Westminster is still divided. In recent weeks, Labour have threatened to vote against the final agreement we reach with the EU.

The Liberal Democrats have said they want to “grind” the business of government “to a standstill”. The Scottish National Party say they will vote against Brexit. We can’t afford to play political games with these decisions.

The choice facing the country at this election is all about leadership. Do we choose strong and stable leadership in the national interest with Theresa May and the Conservatives – or weak and unstable coalition government, led by Jeremy Corbyn.

I hope you’ll give me your support.

First elected in 2005 Mr. Stuart has seen his majority grow from 2,580 to 12,203 a figure that looks set to rise in the 2017 elections.

If results seen through the country at the local elections repeat themselves on 8 June and UKIP voters switch, his majority could potentially increase to the 20,000 mark.

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