Longcroft School & Council Commit To Addressing Issues Raised By Ofsted

Longcroft School & Council Commit To Addressing Issues Raised By Ofsted
Longcroft School & Council Commit To Addressing Issues Raised By Ofsted

Longcroft School and East Riding of Yorkshire Council say they are determined to return the school ‘good’ or better as quick as possible.

Following the latest Ofsted report to be released, Longcroft School and the authority have describe the new Ofsted frameworks challenging.

The statement by headteacher Ian O’Donnell and the local authority, East Riding of Yorkshire Council said;

“We are disappointed that the school has not retained a ‘good’ judgement against the challenging new Ofsted inspection framework.”

“However, we are pleased that Ofsted recognises that the new senior leadership structure in the school is beginning to make a positive difference to the progress of all students and offers the potential for rapid improvement.”

“It is also pleasing that the inspectors found that students feel safe at school and are confident that staff deal with their concerns.”

“The school is working with the local authority on a post-Ofsted plan to address the areas for improvement that have been identified in their report. We are determined to restore the school to ‘good’ or better as quickly as possible.”

Published on Monday 13 November the report advises the school needs to address eight key issues that include better use of funding and attendance issues among disadvantaged children.

The inspectors found attitudes to learning among some students needed improvement “because pupils’ attitudes to learning and concentration levels are not consistently positive.”

The report advises that by “embedding routines so that pupils have high expectations and aspirations of what they can do and achieve” will help to address this issue.

In terms of behaviour in general, the inspectors found that “Pupils treat the school environment with respect… pupils conduct themselves well during breaktimes and lunchtimes.”

Strengths outlined by report state the pupils feel safe in school and that have confidence in the staff at the school and that there is good working relationships between head teacher and board of governors.

Inspectors visited the school in October of this year, some four years since the last inspection which took place in March 2013.

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