Sweetheart Pin Cushion Mural Inspires Youngsters To Remember

Sweetheart Pin Cushion Mural Inspires Youngsters To Remember
Sweetheart Pin Cushion Mural Inspires Youngsters To Remember

A Sweetheart Pin Cushion Mural, painted by local artist Emma Garness is helping young people learn the value of remembrance.

Emma painted the Sweetheart Pin Cushion Mural in July. The project was done due to Beverley being involved in Britain in Bloom.

Since then Emma has also has got more members of the community involved with the artwork that is located in Hengate Gardens.

Pupils from Manor Road Nursery attended a special event that was held in the Gardens because of their links to the project.

At a short ceremony, attended by the Mayor of Beverley, Cllr Bryan Pearson, children performed a number of songs. Children also laid a number of rocks which were decorated as poppies. 

Teachers from the Nursery have been finding creative ways for their children to have an understanding of what it is to ‘remember’.

A spokesperson for the Nursery said;

“By Investigating the Memorial gardens and discussing the WW1 Sweetheart Pin Cushion mural, children learn about remembrance.”

“They learnt songs, poems and also painted poppies on there ‘Remembering Rocks’. The ‘Rocks were left in front of the mural for visitors to enjoy and remember.” 

Children finally had an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learnt, performing the songs to a large crowd.

Mayor of Beverley Cllr Pearson said; 

“Teachers are trying to impress upon them through the stones what this is all about, the people who fell in two World Wars. I think the mural is wonderful, Emma has done a great, it is wonderful.”  

Sweetheart Pin Cushion Mural Is Helping Inspire Beverley’s Youngsters

Rev Becky Lumley praised Emma’s work and the involvement of the children, she said;

“We as a church a strong connection with the grounds here. The mural looks beautiful it is so creative and it is also wonderful the children get a sense of their own history.”

“I know it is in very simple terms, but to have such a talented artist involved it is amazing. It has given children the opportunity to create their own memorials.”

Emma explained more about the involvement the nursery has had, she said;

“The turn out is fantastic. Children have been really looking forward to visiting and performing the songs.”

“Beverley Manor Road and the children who go there have been working really hard. Also, they have been very creative in helping the children understand what the word remembering is.”

“It has not necessarily been about the war, but how do we remember and what is remembering. One of the creative things was for the children to make these poppy stones.”

“For me, I am very happy with the turnout. It is fabulous to see so many families here, it really exceeds what I thought would happen what I first put the idea out there.”

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This article has 2 Comments

  1. Massive thank you to Manor Rd Nursury with all there very creative staff and not forgetting inspiational children. Mr Mayor you were perfect, Helen Watson, St Marys Vicor who stepoed in at the last minute and not forgetting Paul Smith for his enthusiasm for our home town. Love Emma Garness

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