Members of the local Labour Party say they will join others at an anti-Fracking Protest planned later this week.
On Thursday East Riding of Yorkshire Council planners will meet to discuss extending a licence granted to Rathlin Energy.
Fracking is highly controversial with campaigners saying it poses a risk to the environment and can potentially poison drinking water.
Speaking today Beverley Labour Party’s George McManus said;
“Rathlin Energy have already had 5 years to carry out their activities. The world has moved on since the original permission was granted. The evidence shows the direct correlation between CO2 emissions and climate change is now incontrovertible.”
“Labour believes that if we are to deal with the challenges of climate change and avoid damage to underground water supplies and catastrophic flooding, then hydrocarbon-based compounds should be left, locked safely away in underground reservoirs.”
“It makes no sense for the government to say we that we need to reduce CO2 emissions by driving electric cars and installing solar panels. They say this while permitting companies to unlock new CO2 reserves which will make matters worse.”
“That’s why, when elected to power, Labour will ban fracking, We feel Rathlin should now deliver on the conditions of the initial permission and reinstate the land to arable.”
Rathlin Energy also had a site close to Beverley at Crawberry Hill. During this time many accused the local authorities of cosying up with the energy firm.
Concerns Raised With How Fracking Companies Are ‘Protected’
Protestors were eventually removed from the Crawberry Hill site. Their eviction prompted questions as no media outlets were permitted to witness the eviction.
During the time the protest camp at Crawberry Hill was active a number of people were arrested. However, in most cases, they were released without charge.
Central government are keen to promote fracking. They are proposing changes to ‘fast track’ applications. More alarming is the offer of cash incentives for local authorities to grant licences to energy companies.
Fracking was recently suspended in Lancashire following a number of earth tremors. Experts believe these were a direct result of fracking in the area.
The Green Party also strongly oppose fracking. They say that fracking is on ‘life support’ and the government is trying its best to ‘shock it back to life.’
Planners in the East Riding will meet on 15 November. They will decide is Rathlin Energy will be granted a three extension on their licence to explore for shale gas.
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