Brexit could or could not happen in a matter of days. The people who are being tasked to deliver the result of the referendum have faced fierce criticism.
In Beverley, one resident has taken to streets declaring that the democracy in the UK is broken while others are pushing for a second referendum.
For us, our futures are in the hands of our MP Graham Stuart. He has the task of representing us all while also supporting the government.
With that in mind and the likely hood that Prime Minister Theresa May is about to present her deal to Parliament for the third time, HU17 wanted to speak to him.
The goal, to understand from his point of view where he thinks we are in this whole Brexit process.
MP Pledges Support To Mrs May And Her Brexit Plan
Outlining the position Mr Stuart feels we are in he said;
“We are in a position where if the DUP and others can be persuaded to come on board and back the Prime Ministers deal. Then we will have a good chance of getting that over the line. Thus departing the EU on the basis of the withdrawal agreement. That is what I am supporting.”
“The most important thing for me is that we should leave. When I voted to trigger article 50 I thought there were only two options on the table. We could leave with a deal or negotiate one that was mutually acceptable or we could leave with no deal.”
“That is why I voted to keep no deal on the table. I hope in the coming days we may get the deal agreed in parliament and over the line. Then we can move onto the next stage and focus on things that local people are interested in.”
“That is what I would like to be focusing on as an MP instead of this endless Brexit.”
Mr Stuart also feels that local businesses are unlikely to face much of an impact following Brexit. A major employer in Beverley is ABI Caravans. Mr Stuart accepts while they do some exports, it should not be too much of an issue to them.
Brexit Should Not Cause Too Many Issues For Local Businesses
Speaking about the impact to business he said;
“ABI is not big exporter so I do not imagine Brexit will have a big impact on them. In terms of local business, I think what the deal does is that it means there is no change with trading relations for the next two years.”
“Also there is the opportunity to agree on a long term agreement with the EU. So things like our automotive industry do not face a spike in costs as the intermediate parts that cross the channel repeatedly otherwise would be subject to tariffs. If we can avoid that then we can ensure our farmers selling lamb into Europe and our other products can continue.”
“We are in a great position. What we are good at as a country the world wants, and I think the East Riding’s prosperity can strengthen as well. But we need to get this Brexit agreement over the line and that is why I am backing the Prime Minister to do it.”
Mr Stuart says he has been in contact with local firms. As a result of speaking to them, he says they all want the same thing, certainty.
He said;
“Any business that is involved with international trading wants to have the certainty of knowing what the terms are of trade. That is why we published the day one tariffs that we will impose if we did leave without a deal to give greater certainty. I am in regular contact with businesses. They like the rest of us what to know where they stand and thus plan for the future.”