St Mary’s Primary School have taken part in their first Global Citizenship Fortnight undertaking a range of projects to reflect on global issues.
During a two week period pupils at the Beverley primary school tackled issues being dealt with by groups in the town.
Their projects were linked to two charities which the school is supporting. These were East Riding Foodbank and also Christian Aid.
Commenting on the project the school said;
“Across the school, children organised and led fundraising events. These raised awareness of key issues such as reducing plastic and also food and water waste.”
“They took positive action to bring about changes to the world we live in. Both within our local community and the wider world.”
“Being a global citizen is about exploring our connectedness and relationships with others. Locally, nationally and also globally while playing a full part in our own community.”
Projects that the children delivered included a Christian Aid Fair, sponsored walk, Worship for parents, and Outdoor Storytelling event. Year 4 pupils held Penalty Shoot-out activities at playtimes. While the Year 6 pupils did Nail Painting and Glitter Face Art.
School Proud Of Pupils And Parents Follow Successful Global Citizens Project
All of the activities were for Global Citizens fortnight were planned and organised by the children.
The school added;
“The children really enjoyed taking part in their chosen projects and have felt proud of the difference they have been able to make to the lives of people living locally and in other parts of the world, through fundraising and raising awareness of key issues linked to poverty and the environment.”
“Our Y6 children designed a new water bottle that was sold within the school and at St Mary’s Church.”
“All children had a chance to submit a design and the winning design was chosen by all teaching staff at the school.”
“The water bottles were then sold. Money raised from the sale of the water bottles was sent to Christian Aid to buy water pumps.”
“Pumps purchased will be installed in South Sudan and help to provide clean water for communities who do not have them.”
“In all pupils sold an incredible 250 bottles raising over £300 after costs.”
“As a school, we are so appreciative of the support given by our parents to the children and the generosity they have shown.”
“We were also impressed with the levels of enthusiasm and commitment the children have shown for their chosen campaigns.”