Cherry Burton residents are delighted to see the completion of the refurbishment of the Sportsfield Pavilion. Work undertaken has also seen drainage improvements on two of the three football pitches.
The project has cost £67,649 and been funded by the FCC Communities Foundation which has contributed £37,836 and East Riding of Yorkshire Council who contributed £22,000.
£7,813 was funded by the Sports Clubs, Cherry Burton Parish Council and the Sportsfield Management Committee.
Grant money that was awarded has been used to replace the pavilion roof. It has also been used to install new windows, build a new disabled toilet and re-panel the exterior of the pavilion.
Two football pitches have also been improved. This has been done by adding 180 tonnes of sports sand, reseeding and upgrading the drainage.
Steve Peirson, Chairman of the Parish Council, believes the investment will make a huge difference to the residents of Cherry Burton. He also believes it will encourage more people to use the facilities and get involved in sport.
Thanks to the project it is expected to extend the life of the facility by at least another 25 years.
FCC Communities Foundation is a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community, biodiversity and heritage projects. They generate money from the funds donated by FCC Environment through the Landfill Communities Fund.
Extra Funding May Soon Be Made Available For Further Improvements At Cherry Burton Sportsfield
Penny Horne, FCC Communities Foundation Grant Manager for Humber, said;
It’s wonderful to see the pavilion and sports field looking in tip-top condition. They are ready to serve people young and old within Cherry Burton and also the surrounding villages.”
“FCC Communities Foundation is always happy to consider grant applications for projects that benefit local communities. This is a great example of what can be achieved.”
£20,000 of the grant awarded by East Riding of Yorkshire Council has been from the Commuted Sums budget. £2,000 came from the council’s Sport, Play and Arts Service’s Active Creative Grant.
Councillor Mike Stathers, the portfolio holder for Place Shaping at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said;
“I am delighted that we have been able to allocate Commuted Sums for this project, bringing together funding from many different partners.”
“The improvements to the club are much needed. It will make a huge impact on its new and existing users.”
Further, plans are in the pipeline to provide additional funding to upgrade the three changing rooms. While there are also plans to have a nature trail on the site.
Small bird boxes, owl boxes, bat boxes and also the planting of wildflowers have added to the ecology of the site.