Walkington Primary School has been visited by representatives from Tesco to see how the money they were awarded was spent.
As a result of the Bags of Help incentive run by the supermarket giant, the school was given a grant of £4000.
Money donated by Tesco was used for a project that was based around gardening. The schools Gardening Club used the cash to plant flowers and also vegetables.
A spokesperson for the school thanked those involved, they said;
“Walkington School would like to say a big thank you to Tesco Beverley’s customers for choosing our gardening project for the Bags of Help last year.”
“We have already begun our gardening club using our new gardening area, planting up hanging baskets and sowing and growing flowers and vegetables.”
“Many thanks needs to all involved, from class teacher Mrs Jones and the children of Walkington School.”
Plastic Bags Used Continues to Fall In The UK
Since its launch, the Bag of Help scheme has donated around £159,000 to projects in the area. Tesco launched the incentive some three years ago in 2016.
Those to benefit from the grants include a number of local schools, while sports clubs have also benefited.
Other community groups, schools and also sports clubs are encouraged to apply for a grant. Money to fund the incentive is raised through the sale of carrier bags.
Nationally the scheme has helped reduce the number of carrier bags used by shoppers. Following the introduction of the new levy, the use of plastic bags has fallen by around 85pc.
Latest figures show that Tesco issue just 19 bags per person who visited their stores in 2018. This is a equates to six less per person based on the previous year.
Anyone wishing to put themselves forward shop pop into the local store. You can also find out more information about by visiting the Bags of Help web site.