E.COLI Food Poisoning Advice


The food services team at East Riding of Yorkshire Council is holding a series of drop-in surgeries for food businesses. The aim is to give food businesses the opportunity to discuss food safety issues with experts from the  food services team.

Stephen Headley, food services manager, said: “The first event was held at the Bridlington Spa this week and was very well attended by local food businesses. This is a new initiative and follows closely on the publication of the Pennington report into the South Wales outbreak of E.coli in 2005 which tragically resulted in the death of a child. The serious nature of this infection has once again been highlighted by the news this week of an outbreak in North Wales.”

The food services team has produced a special edition of their newsletter ‘Food Focus’ which has gone out to all food businesses as a proactive measure.

Steve added: “We wanted to ensure that all food business are getting the message of how dangerous this infection is, and make clear to business what their responsibilities are to their customers.”

Further surgeries are to be held at:-

Beverley Leisure centre         Tuesday, 11th August

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