Ref. Development Land North of, Flemingate, Beverley, East Yorkshire. Case No 08/00122 CALLIN – Objecting to Class A3, A4 & A5. Food & Drink & A1. Retail
Dear Secretary of State,
Beverley is a rural East Yorkshire market town with an adult population of 34,000 it is situated 8 miles North of Hull. It is the seat of the conservative dominated East Riding County Council, and serves the local agricultural communities. The town has grown rapidly over the last 30 years but in that time, we have lost our cinema, our cattle-market, seven of our 9 post offices, all but two or three of our butchers and green grocers. Many family owned businesses have gone, as the multi national shops and financial institutions have moved in. We currently have an abundance of restaurants, cafes, takeaways, hairdresser, mobile phone and charity shops and I cannot understand why the new £100,000,000 developments include more ‘restaurants’ and coffee bars [for restaurants read MacDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, etc.] Food and Drink Class A3, A4 & A5. [See Appendix 1] and Retail Class A1, all of which are already available, or have branches within an eight-mile radius. The newly built St. Stephen’s shopping centre in Hull was meant to provide the retail stores, conveniently located next to Hull’s bus and train stations and it will suffer if branches are opened in Beverley. The rates and rents in Beverley are far higher than those in Hull and if cost is a consideration, Hull and Doncaster are far better places to shop for white goods, furniture, electrical goods and clothing.
My main concerns with the Flemingate development are, that the planners appear to be trying to get ‘a quart into a pint pot.’ 161 affordable houses and their amenities but few green areas. A new college with little room to expand and limited parking for staff and mature students, which is currently a problem at the present college. An 80-bed hotel with conference centre and restaurant with minimal staff parking only. Five large shops only one having a shared car park. The replacement of a large vehicle park, for coaches, heavy goods vehicles and cars, with a multi story car park, which will leave very little parking for those wishing to shop and no coach or hgv parking at all: In the present economic climate, if these developments are not to run millions over budget, priority should be given to the
housing. Few of the other projects on the Flemingate site are going to be fit for purpose. The car park should have been underground or below a podium. If we become a car-less society in 20 years’ time then other uses can then be found for the car parks but for the foreseeable future, cars are still the most convenient mode of transport in the East Riding, as the Council’s own personal car parks in Beverley are testimony to. The Grovehill site could provide a more suitable campus for the college, on council owned land with adequate free parking, close to Beverley’s industrial estates, where work experience and sponsorship may be had. It has the advantage of being on a bus route; it would be conducive to learning not being surrounded by fast food outlets and other distractions. It would reduce the numbers of cyclists using the town’s central pedestrian way, it vacates a very valuable site in Gallows Lane and would leave space in Flemingate for hotel parking and green areas for the residents.
Beverley businesses are suffering through high rates, high car park charges and street parking in the central zone time-restricted to one-hour. An army of traffic wardens issuing summonses, resulting in shoppers choosing to shop elsewhere or only paying for the shortest stay in the car parks. Many of the villagers in the area have limited bus services and depend on cars for transportation. The council is shortsighted in not encouraging visitors to come to Beverley to shop, and the planners cannot make up their minds whether we are a Market Town or a ‘Vibrant Place’? Any business is welcomed, irrespective of the damage it will cause to other established businesses. Beverley does not welcome drivers and makes little provision for private coaches. We can have a piazza, a treasure-less treasure house, a crazy-pavement, and almost cycle-less cycle lanes but we need the Southern Bypass planned over thirty years ago, a large park and ride and a small replacement hospital with A&E. The recent £7.5M overspend on the £12M budgeted for the refurbishment of the Bridlington Spa Royal Hall an example of poor management and reckless spending. Perhaps the recession, with the threat of job losses, will ensure the Council start listening to the rate payers, get our priorities right and are held to account for any further mismanagement. Less greed before need, less tax, fine, more tax and overspend would be welcomed from our self-acclaimed ‘fine’ East Riding County Council.
Yours Sincerely,
R. B. Roper [Prop. Eastgate Bookshop].
The Planning Inspectorate.
3/17 Eagle Wing,
Temple Quay House,
2 The Square,
Temple Quay,
Dispatch 3 copies by 10th July. Attn. Hazel Conibere.
Appendix 1.
Do we need more fast food outlets, coffee bars, wine bars or restaurants? We have 28 public houses, many of which serve food. We have 6 English, 2 Fish, 2 Pizza, 2 Italian, 4 Indian, a Chinese, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, French, and a Mexican restaurant plus numerous cafes, take-aways, coffee bars, sandwich bars, bakers serving fresh sandwiches, tea rooms and 3 wine bars, many are currently struggling for survival. We also have 5 licensed clubs and a Masonic Lodge.
Catering establishments on or near the Flemingate development.
On the 16 acre site: –
When rebuilt The College has its catering department and coffee bar. It may have as the old college has, a restaurant open to the public, to give the students practical experience in restaurant management.
When rebuilt Armstrong’s Sports and Social Club caters for members and private parties
When built the new hotel will have a restaurant, conference centre and coffee lounge.
On the adjacent half mile of Flemingate
The Sun Inn
The Nelson
The Buck
The Leisure Centre/swimming pool
In Railway Square
Cerutti’s Restaurant
The C Horse cafeteria
The Valencia Restaurant.
On Grovehill Road and Holme Church Lane
2 Fish & Chips Shops.
1 Pizza take-away
1 Chinese take-away.
The Holmechurch Public House.
Within 8 miles we have
9 McDonalds.
4 Pizza Hut
3 Kentucky Fried Chicken.