Beverley Town Handbell Ringers

The Beverley Town Handbell Ringers was formed in Febuary, 1981 and, by the loan of an old set of bells from Elland in the West Riding of Yorkshire, were able to set about raising funds to buy their present ‘long set’ two years later in August 1983.

The Beverley Town Handbell Ringers play on a 132 set of Whitechapel bells which cover a wide range of octaves. The band is happy to peform alone of participate in events share with other groups. The group is currently looking to create more sessions for begingers, conducter John Atkinson expressed a need for the group to have more people who can stand in when needed.

The Beverley Town Handbell Ringers are available for concerts they have a wide selection of music these include modern and light classical of which many are well known marches, waltzes and when appropriate seasonal christmas music.

Beverley Town Handbell Ringers Information Pack

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image, these are just some of the pictures please contact us
if you would like a copy of your photo by sending an email to

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Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image, these are just some of the pictures please contact us
if you would like a copy of your photo by sending an email to

Video below showing the Beverley Town Handbell Ringers in action

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