Walk to School Month

Walk to School Month? Graham Stuart MP says ‘Count me in.’

Pupils in Beverley and Holderness will join thousands of children across the UK and more than 40 countries worldwide this October to celebrate the benefits of walking to school during International Walk to School Month.

Now Beverley and Holderness MP, Graham Stuart, is encouraging local pupils to take part, and will be joining one group of pupils as they make their way to school.

The theme this year is ‘Count me in’, and the campaign is encouraging children to measure how much physical activity they do during the day.

Graham said: “Walking to school regularly is a fantastic way to reach the recommended daily 60 minutes of activity to benefit children’s health and I fully support it.

Around half of children currently don’t walk to school regularly, with an enormous 41 per cent being driven to school in cars; despite the fact the average distance to primary schools remains around one mile.

By simply walking to school and back each day, the average child will already be spending more time physically active than is provided for by the national curriculum.

National charity Living Streets runs the highly successful Walk to School campaign.

Graham added: “Children who are bundled from front door to car door miss out not just on vital exercise, but the opportunity to socialise with friends and get to know their community.  I would encourage everyone in my constituency to join in, and fit in a bit more walking this October.”

Tony Armstrong, Chief Executive of Living Streets said: “If we are to avoid the Government’s prediction of a quarter of our children being obese by 2050, we need to start making changes to our lifestyle now.

“We would love everyone who normally drives the school run to use this month as an excuse to try walking.  We think you’ll be amazed at how enjoyable a regular walk can be; a chance to spend real quality time together, and reap health rewards for all the family.”