Robin Storey

Robin Storey who lives and works as an artist in Beverley was originally from County Durham.  Robin Storey’s landscape paintings were first exhibited in The Beverley Art Gallery and have since appeared in galleries throughout the country.

As a youngster he was a keen sportsman and played tennis for Yorkshire and twice made the Wimbledon Qualifying completion. His art has earned him the title of “Professional Artist of the Year 2008” awarded to him by the Society for all Artists in the waterscape / seascape section.

Robin Storey’s studio, here he shows how his ideas are tranformed into works of fine art

Robin Story Water Colours Beverley Artist 07

To enquire about Robin Stoery’s art, availablilty of prints please visit his web site

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To enquire about Robin Stoery’s art, availablilty of prints please visit his web site

Robin Storey Studio

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