Pets’ Service at St Nicholas Church

St Nicholas Church in Beverley opened its doors today to everyone and their dog!  The Church’s annual Pets’ Service began at 3pm, and although some of the congregation wanted to enjoy every moment of sunshine before the service began, the pews were soon a flurry of furry excitement, gathered to hear the vicar Rev Jonathan Evans and his Curate Matt Martinson remind us all just how important our pets are to our happiness.

The three hymns in the service had the same theme – celebrating our love of animals.  Rev Matt Martinson gave the address, ably accompanied by his Labrador Midnight and his pet rabbit, and Rev Jonathan Evans led the prayers, most of which had been written by local children about their own pets.  All the animals were invited up to the alter for a blessing.

The congregation were very well behaved on the whole, and the four-legged members tried hard to join in with the last hymn.

Pets Service at St Nicholas Church in Beverley Picture

Video from the Pets Service that took place in Beverley at St Nicholas Church.

Video Soure

Hull Daily Mail

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