Anti Bullying Workshop

East riding of Yorkshire Council are hosting a free workshop for parents during Anti Bullying Week. Taking place between 7-9pm, Thursday 19 November 2009, at the East Riding Children’s Centre in Beverley. The workshop is for parents who are concerned about bullying and want to know how they can help their child and where to go for local sources of support.

Bullying can have a negative impact on a young person’s work, health, self esteem and confidence. It can take many forms including physical, emotional and even text and internet bullying.  Often parents and family members are the first to spot signs that their child is being bullied.

Ann-Marie Born, a member of the East Riding Safeguarding Children Board said:  “Parents can help their children in a number of ways. This workshop will help parents understand more about bullying and the signs and symptoms to look out for.  Parents will also find out how they can help their children if they are at risk of being bullied or bullying others.  As the theme of Anti Bullying week is Cyber Bullying we will look at this in some depth.  There will also be a question and answer session with local support services, including representatives from the Police, School and Safeguarding Children Team.”

Lisa Deeming, extended schools co-ordinator for Beverley said: “Last year we undertook research with local parents to find out what help and support they most needed.  Information and support around tackling bullying came out as one of the main topics parents wanted support with.  As a result we have worked with a number of partners including the Safeguarding Children Team, police and local schools and parent groups to provide this short workshop for parents.”

To book a place contact the Extended Services Team on 01482 389092 or email

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