Christmas Orders Now Being Taken

Coltman Butchers & Delicatessen is now taking orders for Christmas, the butchers that is only one of five independent butchers in still trading in Beverley is providing selection of meats and poultry to order.

Chas told ‘We are taking orders for Christmas, Oven ready fresh and dry frozen tukeys, geese, ducks and large roasting chickens. Prime quality beef, pork, lamb and gammons. Hand raised pork pies and game pies. Also available a large selection of free range game .Most products sourced locally if possible….’

Ffor more information please contact or visit  Coltman Butcher & Delicatessen.

Chas, the owner and butcher at Coltman Butchers & Delicastessen in Beverley, East Yorkshire

Coltman Butcher & Delicatessen

Coltman Butcher & Delicatessen
Coltman Butchers – 48, Coltman Avenue, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 9DS – 01482 862420

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