Beverley Lions Build the Bonfire

Beverley Lions with the help of troops from the Leconfield army base this afternoon built the bonfire for this evens annual Beverley Lions Guy Fawkes Night Fireworks night.

Tonight 5,000 people are expected to come to the Beverley Westwood to see the bonfire and fire works display and with it being clear dry night those numbers could easily swell.

Those who are attending are reminded there will be parking and traffic restrictions in place during the evening details of which can be found here.

Beverley Lions Bonfire Construction 2009

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image, these are just some of the pictures please contact us
if you require copies by sending an email to

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Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image, these are just some of the pictures please contact us
if you require copies of your photo by sending an email to

Below: Short movie showing the Beverley Lions with the help of the Army build the bonfire for tonights free event, Music by Ben David Hebblethwaite – a Beverley based producer from – BDH Music

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