From September, young dancers have set their feet a-dancing throughout the East Riding and it’s almost time for them to stage their performance piece to mark the end of their autumn term.
East Riding Youth Dance Platform, on Sunday 29 November 2009, will be a magical mix of dance expression – styles, themes and creations, powerful, sleek, technical and sophisticated, will be celebrated and showcased at The Spa, Bridlington at 6pm.
Dancers from 11 years old at Beverley, Bridlington, Goole, Hessle, Hornsea and Pocklington have been defining their talents, and interpretations, choreographed by professional artists, and having fun. East Riding’s own county company has been working with Motionhouse Dance Theatre to create a performance piece to showcase at this platform.
They have lived up to their promise. November’s ‘Platform’ will be spectacular, with 13 dance pieces, by enthusiastic dancers, entertaining their audience with exciting jazz, modern, hip hop, street, contemporary and break dancing.
June Mitchell, community arts officer and co-ordinator of East Riding Youth Dance, said: “There is a mountain of dance talent in the East Riding’s young people and we have harnessed it to give everyone a polished skill and creativity, which can be valuable in their present and future lives. It can give confidence, self-esteem, a healthy and fit lifestyle, possible dance or tuition career, social and individual pleasure. Added to these advantages, it’s fun, challenging and exciting.”
Dance sessions are held over three terms and will re-commence with the next term starting in January 2010.
Tickets for the November ‘Platform’ cost £5 for adults, and £3 for concessions, and are available from The Spa Box Office on (01262) 678258.