New Singers Required for Choir

The East Riding County Choir needs singers in all four voices. The music we sing is beautiful and challenging. In the recent past we have sung Verdi’s Requiem and Bach’s B Minor Mass. At Christmas we performed Messiah by Handel.

Rehearsals are at 7.30pm on Mondays in Beverley Grammar School, Queensgate, Beverley. The first rehearsal of the new term is on Monday 11th January.

Those interested should attend the first or second rehearsal 25th January 2010 simply to see if they like it. If they enjoy it, they can have an audition the following week. This involves singing a song of their own choice and a little simple sight-singing. They do have to be able to read music. The audition is simply to check they can sing in tune and have a voice that will blend well with the rest of the choir.

Handel Messiah Beverley Minster

For more information visit

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