Kitesurfing on the Beverley Westwood

Mark Ratford was out on the Beverley Westwood this afternoon Kitesurfing, Mark explained;

“I’ve been flying kites for around 7 years now and belong to a club known as Fraisthorpe Flyers based at Fraisthorpe near Bridlington.
The activity is know as Snowkiting, it basically involves using a kite to pull yourself around, in this case on the snow.

You can use a wheeled Landboard ,Buggy,Ski’s or even go out Kitesurfing in the sea . It’s a fairly new sport and is one of the fastest growing sports in the world .

Today I was using a 10 square meter Bularoo Kite made by Best Kiteboarding and a standard snowboard. Its classed as a extreme sport and can be very extreme in the right conditions.

One of the main reasons that Snowkiting is becoming popular is because of not needing to walk up and down hills to snowboard down it is like having your own personal ski lift !!!!!

They have even used kite power to cross the Antartic and Snowkited up mountains, all you need is a kite and an open space and a bit of wind and your off .

If anyone is thinking of taking up the sport I would recommend getting some instruction or lessons as it is an extreme sport.”

Mark Ratford using his Kitesurfing rig on the Beverley westwood this afternoon

Kitesurfing on the Beverley Westwood Mark Ratford Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

[nggallery id=369] Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

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