Primary School Admissons Round 2010/11

Parents who have applied for 2010/2011 primary school places at schools in the East Riding of Yorkshire will be told the results of their applications in the next few days.  Letters will be posted to parents on Friday, 12 February 2010.

The East Riding received 3,356 applications for places at infant, junior and primary schools this year and 3,322 applicants (99.0%) got places at one of the schools they named on their application forms.  Only 34 applicants have not got places at any school named as one of their three choices. 3,270 applicants (97.4%) got places at their first choice school.

There are only 16 schools where the council has had to refuse places to parents who had put it down as their first choice.  At five schools the admission number was exceeded to ensure that all those who named the school as their first choice could be given places.  Any child living in the East Riding who did not get a place at any of the schools named by their parents will have been given a place either at their catchment area school or at the nearest East Riding school with a place available.

The East Riding has also again achieved a high percentage of applications lodged using the council’s on-line application system: 78.9% of applications have been submitted by parents using the on-line system.

At one school, the number of applications this year has meant that the council has not been able to accommodate all children from the school’s catchment area.  Ten children living in Brough Primary School’s catchment area, whose parents named the school as one of their preferences, have had to be allocated places at other schools.  Changes to the school’s catchment area are already being consulted on but will not take effect until 2011.

Where parents have been unsuccessful at getting places at their preferred schools, their child’s name is automatically added to a waiting list in case places are made available later on, for example if a family moves out of the area.  Also, parents can make appeals.  Appeals are heard by independent panels that look at the individual circumstances of the children concerned and can award school places if they feel the circumstances justify it.

Alison Michalska, Director of Children, Family and Adult Services, said: “Overall, this admissions round has been very successful.  The proportion of children getting places at the schools their parents want them to go to is again very high.  The difficulties in the Brough area are being addressed and we will do more work to see if the problems are the start of a new trend or just a one-off.”

Councillor Penny Peacock, Children and Young People portfolio holder, said, “I am delighted that so many parents have again got places at the schools they want.  We will be monitoring the problems in the Brough area very closely.  There will undoubtedly be changes in the numbers allocated places over the next few months and I am hopeful that some of those who have been unsuccessful will get places through the waiting lists.”

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