Less then 12 months ago Beverley Did Not Have a Dedicated Web Site
Looking back it seems strange; however what HU17.net has achieved in a relatively short space of time is remarkable and only a fool will have you think otherwise. So many people have gained so much through simple idea and plenty of hard work.
Minority groups in Beverley, notably the Beverley Town Handbell Ringers have been rediscovered. The group, despite winning awards were lacking the opportunity to play in their hometown. The web site has helped the group get noticed and as a result they have started to play more in Beverley.
On October 22nd 2009 Beverley was chosen to launch the Poppy Appeal for the East Riding of Yorkshire at the Beverley Art Gallery. People had travelled from right across the region. Members of the public and press were invited to witness, photograph and report back. At this point it would be nice to tell you there offer was accepted more people then they could handle. But I can’t.
Earlier that same month an elderly lady named Mrs Fewster was rightfully refunded after receiving £40 parking fine. Mrs Fewster had forgotten to display her Blue Badge in her window and parked in a disabled bay. A simple web site was able to help Mrs Fewster get her story across and she received a full refund from a very amicable company called Tesco.
In January the Beverley Male Voice Choir arranged a presentation of a cheque to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance service. The hand over £600 raised through their efforts was also to be used to help raise awareness for the charities that fund a vital service for every single person who lives in the region. Circumstances and series of events no one could control left them with just one photographer, the job was done and an image given to them to use as they saw fit.
When Opera Singer Amy Black last appeared in the Beverley she made a recording for the web site, Amy who sadly is no longer with us sang Amazing Grace at Toll Gavel Methodist Church this is possibly one of the last recordings the singer ever made. The event was also photographed and all the images were approved by Amy herself with some been used on her own web site.
The Beverley Lions Bonfire drew a staggering 6,000 people to the Beverley Westwood, the organisation behind the fund raiser is immense. From the construction through to the clean up hundreds of people, many volunteers worked flat out so thousands of people can enjoy one of Beverley’s best annual spectacles. With help from the British Army and East Riding of Yorkshire Council the Beverley Lions assembled, set fire to and then cleaned up!
Companies in the town can now all have some sort of internet presence, more importantly their business appears in the most relevant place on the most relevant web site for Beverley. The businesses have a map, address, phone number and if they do have one, a link to their own company web site. Given the current global economic situation that’s a pretty good deal for any business.
Sport coverage has of course been given a new lease of life in the town, members of various clubs now get to enjoy extensive coverage often consisting 17 pictures or more. The Humber Colts have grown as a team with their entire story being followed almost exclusively by the web site highlighting just how difficult setting up a team in the community can be.
Less then 12 months ago Beverley never had a dedicated web site, it has one now treat it with respect the same way it respects you.
You do not have to explain what you do for the town its there in black&white and sometimes poor quality colour but you will get better stick at it
Congratulations on not only reporting – but making a difference!
Keep up the good work Paul, this is great Hyperlocal!
Thanks from the young people of Beverley for posting such good publicity about all the great work they do in the community and not focussing on all the negative news as many others do. Building community together, not knocking it down …. More great stories coming your way
Since discovering this website I now turn to it for news of what is happening in Beverley. What I love about it is that it is a local website full of news and information provided by the people of Beverley.
Keep up the good work Paul, maybe I could use this website to start a campaign to get a pedestrian crossing on the junction of Wylies Road and Manor Road. Which is an accident waiting to happen.
Chris – hit me up lets take a look. Manor Road is as you say ‘an accident waiting to happen’
be more then happy to see how things can be resolved
I think you do a fantastic job – I beg to differ with the Chairman I was allowed to use a colour photo of my son (Beverley sportman)for his 21st birthday and it was excellent quality. I am a huge fan of HU17 the variety of photos is amazing I never tire of browsing. Many congratulations and a huge thanks for your work
Pat Du Boulay