Beverley Police Officers Tips for Shoppers to Beat Pick Pockets


People out shopping in Beverley town centre are being warned by police to keep a close eye on their purses.

Following on from a very successful purse dipping campaign in Beverley in 2009, local officers came up with a quirky product to warn people if their purses are being targeted.

Two small bells attached to a clasp, which can easily be added to a purse or wallet are being distributed throughout a number of shops in Beverley along with a personal safety postcard providing additional advice and reassurance.

Crime Reduction Officer, PC Richard Beeforth said:

“People should ensure their purses are kept secure in a closed handbag or shopping bag and not be visible to a thief. They should avoid crowded shops and never let their purse, handbags or shopping bags unattended .”

Following discussions with the police at the Beverley Shopwatch and the Beverley Neighbourhood Action Team meetings, the concept of the purse dipping bells was brought up.

Town centre shop staff along with police patrols have also decided to be extra vigilant to try and identify the offenders.

From Saturday 01 May 2010 a quantity of ‘purse dipping bells’ along with personal safety postcards will be available free of charge to elderly female shoppers until stock run out.

These small bells clip onto a purse so if it is moved the sound of the bells ringing alerts the owner and should help prevent these offences.

The bells have been funded by East Riding of Yorkshire Council (Safe Communities) and will be available from:

Dove House (Wednesday Market), Bon Marche (Toll Gavel), Cancer Research (Toll Gavel), The Post Office, and Dove House (Dyer Lane).

Beverley Police Officers have provided the following advice:

  • Never let your handbag out of sight, especially in public places
  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash
  • Keep your handbag closed and fastened
  • Don’t leave your purse on your shopping basket, on tables or shop counters
  • If someone knocks/bumps into you, check they haven’t taken your purse out of your bag or pocket.

For further information or photo and interview opportunities please contact Crime Reduction Officer, PC Richard Beeforth on 01482 396384.

Officers will be issuing 1250 bells and safety postcards to shops in Beverley on Saturday 01 May 2010.

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This article has 1 Comment

  1. I heard that a midget had his pocket picked in town last Saturday. How could they stoop so low?

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