Beverley Police Urge Victims to Come Forward

Beverley Poice Station

Police in Beverley are urging victims to come forward after police have arrested a man for fraud by false representation.

The 27-year-old Hull man was arrested in connection with a number of offences relating to victims responding to an advertisement quoting for window blinds.

On Wednesday 24 February a 67-year-old woman contacted the Beverley Blinds company via the Yellow Pages Directory to quote for fitted window blinds.

A 26-year-old man attended the woman’s address on Minster Moorgate in Beverley to show the lady some samples. He returnedthe following day and request ed a £30 cash deposit, with a verbal agreement to return within seven days to complete the work was given.

The suspect allegedly has not returned or answered phone calls since the deposit was given.

Previously, on Monday 02 January a 60-year-old Beverley woman responded to an advertisement to a company called Beverley Blinds.

A 26-year-old Hull man attended the victim ‘ s address on West Close, Beverley and quoted for three blinds. The woman paid £60 deposit in cash as the suspect allegedly stated his card machine was out of order.

A verbal agreement was made for the suspect to return in seven days to complete the work. The suspect did not return and allegedly no longer answers phone calls to the victim.

On Thursday 17 December 2009 a 38-year-old woman contacted Beverley Blinds for a quote to supply a number of fitted blinds at her home address on Lonsdale Street in Hull.

A 26-year-old Hull man attended her address on the same day and provided her a quote.

On the same day, the man contacted the woman and reduced the total cost of the work. He returnedto the woman’s address and was given £150 in cash as a deposit on the condition the work was completed before Wednesday 23 December 2009.

The victim contacted the suspect several times and a number of explanations were given, deferring the work until February 2010. The suspect agreedto refund the deposit by Monday 08 February 2010. The female has allegedly still not received the refund.

Detective Inspector Nigel Sawyer from Beverley CID said: “We have had several victims come forward with regards to this man alleging to carry out a service, which he allegedly has failed to deliver.

“I am appealing to any residents living in the in the Hull and East Yorkshire area who believe they were also a victim to come forward”.

The 26-year-old Hull man was arrested on Saturday 17 April 2010 and interviewed in relation to the allegations. He has been released on police bail until a date in the middle of May 2010.

Anyone with information or would like to report the crime is asked to contact Humberside Police on 0845 60 60 222 quoting crime reference number CS/1743485/2010.

Beverley Police Station – New Walk, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 7AF – 0845 606 0222

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