Get Expert Advice on Higher Education Qualification

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People who work in childcare can find out how a higher education qualification will benefit them at an “expert session” to be held at East Riding College next week.

The free two-hour session will be held at the campus in Gallows Lane, Beverley, on Thursday, April 29, from 5pm to 7.30pm.

It will be delivered by the Indigo Moon Theatre Company who will demonstrate how to make and use puppets in early years education and help people to understand how higher level qualifications can help them in the industry.

Alison Gray, assistant director at the College, said:

“This session will be a chance to learn some important skills which can be put to use in early years education and also to find out how a higher level qualification can be of great benefit.

“It will be a relaxed and enjoyable opportunity to learn from experts and ask our tutors questions about our higher level courses.”

The session will allow people to join a six-week part time bitesize course, accredited by the University of Hull, which gives learners a taste of working at level four (A-levels are level three) and help them develop their study skills and earn ten university credits, which is useful preparation for higher education study and CV building.

There are two start dates in May for the bitesize course. To book a place on either of these, call Katy Murdock on 01482 306696 or email

There will also be an opportunity to find out more about the College’s Foundation Degree in Early Childhood Policy and Practice at an open event on May 20 from 5pm to 6.30pm. It will  be held at the campus in Gallows Lane, Beverley, and will be a chance to meet tutors and ask questions.

Alternatively, tutors can arrange to talk to people at their early years setting to help them find out more about the qualification.

To speak to someone about this, call Gerry Hotham on 01482 306655 or email

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