Older Residents Get Healthy Eating Tips From Students

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Catering students from East Riding College have been giving older East Riding residents tips on eating healthy, thanks to a link-up with AGE Concern East Riding.

A series of three free cookery demonstrations for the over-50s is being held at the College’s campus in Gallows Lane, Beverley, as part of the charity’s National Lottery-funded Fit as a Fiddle project.

The sessions focus on healthy eating on a budget, including cooking for one person and cooking with the recommended daily portions of five fruit and vegetables, and recipe sheets have been created for participants to take away. The first session was held on April 19, with the second on April 26 and the third on May 10.

Catering tutor Chris Gilbert said: “The students really enjoyed passing on their knowledge of healthy eating and demonstrating their skills in front of an audience who were obviously very interested.

“It was also good to bring together older and younger generations in the community in a project that benefits everyone who is taking part.”

Alison Morris, community co-ordinator for Age Concern East Riding, said:

“We are keen to encourage older people to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, and gentle exercise and eating well is an important part of that.

“The cookery demonstrations at East Riding College are a fun way of learning more about how we can include healthy foods in our diet and I think everyone has enjoyed them.”

Similar sessions will be held at the College’s campus in St Mary’s Walk, Bridlington, on June 14, 21 and 28.  Places for all the sessions have to be booked in advance by ringing Age Concern East Riding on 01482 869181.

For more information on catering and hospitality courses or any other courses at East Riding College’s Beverley and Bridlington campuses, visit the web site or call 0845 120 0037.

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