Town Council Award Grant to the Beverley Christmas Lights Appeal

Thursday Evening Beverley 063

The Beverley Christmas Lights Appeal has been awarded £2500 from Beverley Town Council from the Large Grants Fund.

Prue Blake from the Christmas Lights Committee says:

“We would like to thank the Beverley Town Council for this award, it is much needed because this year we have extra expenses for Health & Safety.  The security of the tree brackets need testing, the electrical boxes need repairing and in some cases replacing and we have to pay for the erection and dismantling of the snowflake lights and large Christmas trees which comes to a total of over £9000.”

In order to make up the rest of the funding, other fundraising activities for this year include a psychic night on 20th May at The Tiger Inn, a coffee morning at Toll Gavel Methodist Church, a race night, gardeners question time and we are also hoping to organise another Fashion Show.

For anyone who would like tickets and information about the psychic night , please go to Jack`s in Wednesday Market.

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