Molescroft Parish Council General Meeting Tonight


Molescroft residents are being urged to show they care about the future of their community.

Molescroft Parish Council is holding its annual general meeting at the Pavilion, on Woodhall Way, on Thursday 13 May at 8pm – giving local residents an opportunity to raise issues with Parish Councillors.

The meeting will be chaired by the chair of the Parish Council, with members of the Parish Council in attendance. The Chairman will present a report on the Council’s activities during the last 12 months but the meeting is also a community event and residents are actively encouraged to raise issues of concern to them and to the community.

It really is a once-in-a-year chance to actively influence how Molescroft Parish Council allocates the funding it receives for the betterment of the community.

Are local sports pitches maintained to a sufficient standard? How can local amenities be improved to benefit everyone in the area? If you have an issue you want to see addressed, this is the perfect chance to discover if anything can be done to put things right.

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