Foster Care Event

Fostering driffield show

Potential foster parents are being invited to an information event to find out more about being a foster carer.

The event on Thursday 17 June at Tickton Grange will include a presentation by the fostering team and people will then have the opportunity to talk to existing foster carers, looked after children, social workers and the council’s specialist training team to ask any questions they may have.

Places must be booked in advance.

Dave Glenville, fostering team leader, said:

“Anyone who is interested in becoming a foster parent is welcome to come along. It’s a great opportunity to chat to people who have been involved in all aspects of fostering both as carers and as fostered children.”

The event starts at 6.30pm at Tickton Grange Hotel at Tickton, near Beverley.

To find out more or to book a place at the event ring (01482) 396673 or email

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