Residents from Beverley and beyond are invited to a day of activities to celebrate the launch of the Beverley Town Trail, on Sunday 11 July, starting at 11a.m., in Wednesday Market.
The event will include performances by school pupils from Beverley and Market Weighton, Mystery Plays, Falchion Medieval Village, the Longcroft Gospel Choir, dancing and street and stage performers. Volunteers from the East Riding V-informed Team will lead craft and art activities for children.
The main events will take place in Wednesday Market, the Friary and area, with other events in this historic area of Beverley to be confirmed.
The launch marks the completion of the ten-year development of the Trail, which explains the town’s medieval history, with thirty-nine sculptures between North Bar and Beverley Beckside.
Town Trail Chairman, Tom Martin, said;
“The Beverley Town Trail is a wonderful community celebration. It is marvellous to see the works of art that have now been installed throughout the town, and to know that many of them have been influenced by the designs created by schoolchildren from the town and surrounding villages. The Town Trail is looking forward to the launch event, which will celebrate our rich history, and recreate some of the medieval social life”.
The Lord –Lieutenant of East Riding of Yorkshire, Mrs Susan Cunliffe-Lister, will formally open the event at 12 noon on Sunday 11 July. The Chairman of East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Councillor David Rudd, and the Mayor of Beverley, Councillor Bessie Foot, will be attending.
A committee of local people has created the Trail, which has been funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Beverley Town Council, VHEY (Visit Hull & East Yorkshire) and private sponsors and donors.
Matt Snowden, co-project manager from event partner Longcroft School and Performing Arts College, would keenly welcome interests from people who would like to take part as a street entertainer, or as a volunteer helper.