East Riding Town Crier Looks Forward to National Championship

The calm before the storm

The East Riding of Yorkshire is the best place to visit in the world according to the judges at the Chester World Town Crier Tournament.

This honour is thanks to East Riding town crier Michael Wood, who won the hometown cry contest, which took place during the seven-day event in June.

Michael, who finished runner-up in the overall event, was delighted to win the home town cry, which can be up to 125 words long.

He said: “Of all the themes the one that every crier wants to win is the hometown cry because you are extolling the virtues of the area you represent. I actually had a group of Americans in the crowd tell me that they where wondering where they should visit next and now they knew.”

Michael is now looking forward to hosting the British Town Crier Championship, which take place in Bridlington on Saturday, 7 August and will be the inaugural event at the opening of the new Spa Gardens.

The day begins with the criers and their escorts parading through the town at 10.30am the gardens will then be officially opened.

The championship will then be decided as the criers go head-to-head in a morning and afternoon heat were the criers will be tested on volume and clarity, diction and inflection and engaging the audience.

The judges will also be looking for the best dressed crier, best dressed escort and best content of cry,  including the traditional three oyez’s and God save the Queen,

The three themed cries will be on holidays, only in Britain, and a picnic. The theme of a picnic will take place on Sunday, 8 August at Sewerby Park at 11.30am.

As the host, Michael is not allowed to compete but will be kept busy ensuring the event runs smoothly and will still be allowed to give an exhibition of his own skills, which will act as a benchmark for the judges.

He said: “I am especially proud that this event is being held in Bridlington for it is my place of birth.  Its time to bring out the bunting and balloons and do a bit of flag waving on behalf of the country’s best county, and in particular the Acapulco of the Northeast.”

Councillor Jane Evison, cabinet portfolio holder cultural services, housing and public protection for East Riding of Yorkshire Council said:

“The East Riding of Yorkshire Council is delighted to be involved in such a unique and unusual occasion. With criers from across Britain amassing in Bridlington it will be memorable day for everyone and will be unlike anything the town has seen, or heard before.”

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