New President for Beverley Lions

The handover of the Beverley Lions Presidential Chain of Office took place at the Driffield Golf Club when the President, Lion Ian Sagar handed over to Lion Paul James as the new President for 2010/2011.

Paul and his wife Barbara who live in York Road, Beverley has been very active in the Beverley Lions, previously as a President of Beverley Lions Club, and also as Zone Chairman of the Clubs in the East Riding.

Paul said he was very honoured to be taking over as President for the third time since he became a member 23 years ago.

He said that one of the major activities for the Club this year will be to actively seek new, younger and committed members so as to achieve the same high standards of service activities in Beverley and district that the Club is renowned for achieving over the past many years.

The Secretary of the Beverley Lions will again be Richard Clatworthy, who can be  contacted on 01482 881619 and if anyone is interested in becoming a member to contact Paul James on 01482 861839

Ian Sagar hands over the chains to new Beverley Lions Club President Paul James

Beverley Lions Paul and Ian

Lions Meal

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