The Golden Goals Challenge

This week, as part of the “Who wants to be an £ntrepeneur?” scheme for Young Enterprise Yorkshire & Humber –  ‘The Associates’ start their “Golden Goal Challenge” tour of Hull in search of a champion “Golden Goal” kicker.   Any individual or team who fancies their chances in a timed penalty shoot out is welcome to try winning the “Golden Goal” Challenge trophy.

The Golden Goals Challenge has been devised by a group of local entrepreneurs who together have formed ‘The Associates’ to do battle with the “big” corporates to raise money for Young Enterprise – inspired by the TV series, The Apprentice and involves teams of adults from the Humber and neighbouring sub-regions competing in tasks set by  ‘Sir Alan’ aka David Kilburn who is both Chief Executive of MKM Building Supplies and a former North of England Ernst & Young ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’.

Helen Bissett, Director of Budding Futures, explains, “Normally, this challenge is done by teams in large corporate organisations.  I decided that this was a fantastic opportunity to show that a team of committed small business owners could match up to the job.”

The challenge is to launch as many footballs through the Golden Goals target as possible in 1 minute.  It costs just £2 to enter and individuals can enter as many times as they like.  The Golden Goals team will be touring venues in the Hull area until the end of July, offering the chance for the public to pitch their ball skills against the best in the area.

The Golden Goals Challenge has received support from Beerhouse Self Drive Hire, who will be providing transport for the 10 ft goal structure to each venue.  Also, Nuffield Health Club, The Sewell Group, The University of Hull and ARCO are amongst the companies supporting the challenge, by hosting the “Golden Goals” Challenge at their premises during lunch breaks.

All funds raised will enable more young people to experience running a real business through taking part in the Young Enterprise Programme.

For event locations and timetable, please visit here.

Phil Moses of Beerhouse Self Drive Hire with Helen Bissett, Director of Budding Futures

beerhouse Phil Moses

Beerhouse Self Drive get the thumbs up from Helen Bissett

beerhouse self drive hull

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