NHS East Riding of Yorkshire is to hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Longcroft School on Thursday 15 July 2010 from 6 pm.
The new East Riding Public Health Vehicle will be visiting Longcroft School during the day. Students will be coming aboard for healthy cooking, the ‘venda blenda’ cycle smoothie-making challenge and sports development activities.
Parents and members of the public will be able to visit the vehicle from 4.30 pm onwards for healthy cookery demonstrations from local chef Tina Wyatt, mini health checks and professional advice on leading a healthier lifestyle.
The AGM will highlight a year of local health improvements made during 2009/2010 across the East Riding of Yorkshire.
The highlights include:
The launch of a new specialist community based health team focused on improving the health and wellbeing of the several thousand East Riding patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
The investment of an extra £1 million for an additional 18,500 new patients to have access to NHS dentistry
The opening of a centre for Cardiology and Cardiothoracic surgery at Castle Hill, enabling the Trust to perform 2,000 more operations a year
The granting of outline planning for a new Community Hospital for the East Riding located at Swinemoor Lane, Beverley.
The launch of the new public health vehicle, a joint initiative between NHS East Riding of Yorkshire and East Riding of Yorkshire Council, aimed at targeting ‘hard to reach’ communities with key health prevention messages
The implementation of the UK’s first SystmOne Community Hospital IT module that will bring significant advances in patient care for hospitals serving the rural communities of East Riding.
The granting of Foundation Trust status for Humber Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust which gives them greater independence and allows them to be more responsive to local needs
Wolds View Surgery (GP Access Centre) at the Bridlington Hospital site opening in 2009, offering a greater choice of appointment times in the evening and over the weekend
- an increased range of services at Bridlington Hospital including
- more outpatient clinics, such as specialist cardiology clinicsmore diagnostic facilities
- consultant-led specialist clinics, such as the new tilt testing clinican increased range of day case surgery, endoscopy and therapy
- NHS East Riding of Yorkshire Chairman Karen Knapton said:
“We want to enhance the quality and availability of health care services across the East Riding of Yorkshire and improve health and wellbeing at all stages of people’s lives, from birth through to end of life.
“We have continued to work in partnership with clinicians, local providers, the voluntary sector and, most importantly, local people, to develop a five year joint Health Strategy with East Riding of Yorkshire Council for the East Riding.
“This has been achieved with the lowest health care spend per head of population in the region and we are proud to offer value for money to our residents. I very much hope people are able to attend our AGM to hear more about recent achievements in health services and our plans for the future.”
Members of the public are invited from 4.30 pm onwards and refreshments will be served from 5.30 pm. The formal AGM will start at 6 pm and Longcroft School Year 7 poster competition winners will be presented with prizes by the Chairman.