Beverley Town Council will organise another Armed Forces Day following the hugely successful event earlier this month.
It was agreed, with one vote against from Green Party councillor Sue Dack, to back the event next year at this week’s full meeting of the Beverley Town Council.
Former Mayor councillor David Elvidge, the driving force behind Armed Forces Day, presented the meeting with an overview of the day and thanked deputy clerk Helena Crutchley for her efforts after town clerk Helen Watson was taken ill.
He told fellow councillors the cost to the town had been in the region of just £2,000, with the bulk of the work done for free by officers and councillors doing voluntary work.
Councillor Bryan Pearson said the council must get behind these events, which include the popular food festival, as they play a huge role in promoting the town.
Councillor Matt Snowden suggested a community-based committee, along the lines of Beverley in Bloom, should be set up to run the next event, possibly working with the Defence School of Transport.
It was agreed to decide which option to take at September’s Policy Committee Meeting.
Thousands enjoy this years Armed Forces Day held earlier this month Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size
[nggallery id=762] Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size