Beverley One Way System to be Removed

An experimental one way system in the area around Beverley’s Wednesday Market is to be removed on Wednesday, 11 August 2010.

The one way system was introduced in 2008 following temporary traffic management measures to protect pedestrians during a major re-paving scheme in and around Wednesday Market.

Now, following assessment of the impacts of the experimental traffic regulation order on residents and on traffic flows, an exhibition and consultation, measures imposing the one way system will be removed.

This change will coincide with the surface dressing works programmed over the summer when Eastgate, Wednesday Market and Lord Roberts Road will revert back to the previous two way traffic system.

The one-way traffic system was implemented along Eastgate between Trinity Lane and Wednesday Market, Wednesday Market main carriageway between Eastgate and Lord Roberts Road, and the full length of Lord Roberts Road to trial changes to traffic arrangements.

Humber Colts 23

This article has 1 Comment

  1. Trevor Brightman said a couple of weeks ago: ” The ERCY have decided to rearrange to one way system on ‘Ladies Day’ at Beverley Races!” Do these people really know what is happening in the town? Surly a day with less outside traffic could have been found.

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