Students Put Language Skills to the Test

Eight past and present Spanish students from East Riding College recently visited the Spanish city of Valencia.

The part-time students, who studied at the College’s Beverley campus, in Gallows Lane, went to Spain’s third largest city with their tutor Maria Rounding.

They spent five nights in Valencia and were able to practice their language skills with the Valencians. Valencia has two official Spanish languages – Valenciano and Castellano.

Tutor Maria Rounding said:

“The people in Valencia are very friendly and the group was able to converse with the locals.

“It’s an amazing city with a fascinating old part as well as a thriving modern centre around La Ciudad De Ciencas y Artes – the City of Arts and Sciences.

“People often don’t realize that Valencia has some fabulous beaches too. It’s very easy to get around the city and its environs as there is an excellent tram, metro and bus network.”

Valencia is the home of Spain’s official dish, paella, and the group visited El Pinar, a small fishing village which is the home of paella.

There they enjoyed a boat ride out onto the Albufera freshwater lagoon and enjoyed paella for lunch. Another highlight of the trip was an evening watching flamenco in a local club.

For more information about East Riding College’s language courses or any other courses, visit here or call 0845 120 0037.

Spanish students in Valencia

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