Art Gallery Marks 100th Year With Special Exhibition

Art Gallery Opening

An exhibition entitled ‘A Life of Beauty, Books and Bullets: John Edward Champney an Edwardian Collector and Benefactor’  has been officially opened at Beverley Art Gallery.

John Edward Champney provided the funds to build  Beverley’s Public Library and Art Gallery, which officially opened 100 years ago in 1910.  He bequeathed 20 paintings, together with his substantial and impressive library, to Beverley , and these valuable items became part of the Library and Art Gallerys’ collections following his death in 1929.

The exhibition, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, celebrates the life of John Edward Champney and is accompanied by a series of events designed to  bring more awareness of Champney’s contribution to his home town. Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

[nggallery id=860] Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

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