Beverley Fitness Group In The All-together

A Beverley-based fitness group with a great track record for raising money for charity have taken a hugely brave step to boost their fundraising this year by publishing a calendar featuring over 40 of their participants who have donated their time – and bared their flesh – to support Breast Cancer Awareness.  The youngest is 18, and the ‘most mature’ is 81.

Organiser Cheryl Murphy told “Our perceived bravery pales into insignificance compared with that of our two ladies with personal experience of the disease, both of whom have agreed to be involved in the photographs.  One lady has lost her hair following her chemotherapy, and the other has had a radical mastectomy.”

Over the past two years, the group have run a ‘Pink Aerobics’ event during October to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  They raised £2163 in 2008, and a staggering £6200 last year.  Cheryl Murphy, who took the photographs for the calendar, said “We’ve got the Molescroft Pavilion for the Pink Aerobics this year, and we’ve been busy collecting raffle prizes.  Last year the raffle alone raised over £2000.  We hope the calendar will really boost the fundraising this year – all proceeds to the cause!”

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