Williamson’s Great North Run Delight

Ten Beverley Athletic Club athletes joined over 30,000 other runners in the 30th Great North Run on Sunday.  With so many competitors crowding the route it is very difficult to achieve a personal best time so all had different reasons for taking part.

Mother and daughter Catriona Williamson and Lorna Mangan were running to raise money for Cancer Research in memory of Catriona’s brother-in-law.  He was a keen triathlete and sadly died of cancer in 2008.

It was Catriona’s first race and Lorna’s first Great North Run and they both loved the atmosphere.  They ran the whole race together and crossed the finishing line hand in hand. Catriona was thrilled that she had run all the way.  When she started her training she could barely run 200 yards.  They both acknowledged that running regularly with Beverley Athletic Club had prepared them well for the race and had boosted their confidence.

Husband and wife Alan and Nichola Glover enjoy the atmosphere of the Great North Run and have run it several times.  It was Alan’s first half-marathon since a knee operation and the furthest he had run for a long time.   He finished 8 minutes after Nichola but there were no problems with his knee.  He will now be determined to return to full fitness and catch up with his wife in their next race.

It was a very disappointing day for Carolyn Towse who was taking part in her second Great North Run.  She was really looking forward to the race and after a year of training was confident that she could beat her target of finishing in less than 2 1/2 hours.  Unfortunately she picked up a tummy bug the day before the race and was really in no fit state to take part.  With £500 of sponsorship for Cancer Research at stake she decided to run but with an empty stomach she knew it would be hard.  She ran as much as she could and when her energy supplies ran out she power-walked.  Sheer determination got her to the finish in 2 hours 48.

Iron Man Triathlete, Paul Evans, used his running experience to help work colleagues who were running the race to raise money for charity.  His support and encouragement in training and during the race ensured that they all got to the finish in South Shields.

It was a very successful day for Darren Rodmell who was the first Beverley Athletic Club athlete to complete the 21km course.  He finished in 216th position and crossed the line almost 4 minutes faster than last year, setting a new personal best time of 1.24.38 for a half-marathon.  “I did not check my watch from start to finish so it was a surprise to see the time as I crossed the line,” said a delighted Rodmell afterwards.

The race was won by Ethiopia’s Hailie Gebreselassie in 59.33.  The first lady to cross the line was Berhane Adere, also from Ethiopia, in 1.08.09

Beverley Athletic Club finishing times:
Darren Rodmell 1.24.38; Jonathan Oxley 1.26.48; Debs Brant 1.58.03; Nichola Glover 1.59.46;  Alan Glover 2.07.56; Maria Britton 2.12.33; Lorna Mangan 2.34.17; Catriona Williamson 2.34.18; Carolyn Towse 2.48.10; Paul Evans 2.54.17.

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