Volunteers Contribute to Food Festival


Today, a team of young volunteers turned out from CSV East Riding’s Vinvolved Team and East Riding College Beverley, to support the annual Beverley Food Festival.

They brought Bertie Beaver, the town mascot to life and helped with a consultation of the event by asking visitors what they thought of this popular community event. In addition, the now ubiquitous Vmedia Crew spent the day filming and photographing the proceedings and will be producing a DVD as a great memory of yet another successful festival in the town. It is hoped that the DVD will be warmly received by potential sponsors of the future and encourage them to help with the sustainability of this popular day out in our beautiful market town.

This was the 5th year that the festival has run and now has over 70 stalls of local produce and a cookery theatre marquee. Sue Dudill, Project Coordinator said, ‘yet again, I am proud and grateful to have the opportunity to spend the day with such motivated and talented young people and delighted that our contribution is much appreciated.  I am launching an exciting new project funded by the European Commission in the next month or so and will be looking to recruit even more 16 to 25 year olds who want to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others; there may be difficult and challenging times ahead but we’ll just keep on dancing in the rain’.

For more information about how you can get involved in events like this or other opportunities to help make your life magnificent, contact Sue Dudill on 01482 880818 or email sdudill@csv.org.uk  and for further information on the exciting range of courses available at East Riding College, visit here or call 0845 120 0037.

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