Information for Beverley Lions Bonfire Night 2010

Each year the Beverley Lions Club organise their Annual Fireworks Display on Guy Fawkes Night, which this year is on Friday 5th November and will take place as usual on the Beverley Westwood adjacent to Westwood Road.


The Bonfire which is provided by the Beverley Town Council will be lit at 7-15 pm by the Mayor of Beverley, Councillor Bessie Foot, together with President of the Beverley Lions Club, Paul James.  This will be followed by the fireworks display at 7-45pm by a national fireworks company who specialize in providing displays of this kind in a safe and professional manner.

The Beverley Lions Club are hoping that the weather will be fine so that parents and children will be able to fully enjoy this spectacular fireworks display, which is free of charge and paid for entirely from the Beverley Lions Club Charity Fund.  As usual a bucket collection will be held in order to help pay towards the cost of over £3500 for providing the fireworks and everyone is asked to give generously as an appreciation of the evening’s fabulous display.  A good collection will ensure that the event will take place again next year.

As in past years all of the usual supporting vending stalls etc will be present to give the evening a truly great atmosphere and in order to ensure the safety of everyone, it is preferred that no one brings their own fireworks or sparklers.  Every effort is made by the Beverley Lions to ensure this bonfire and fireworks display is carried out in a safe manner and that no accidents occur and everyone is asked to stay outside the roped off areas at all times.  In case of any unforeseen accidents, the St Johns Ambulance Brigade will be in attendance during the course of the evening.

The East Riding Council will be applying road closures as follows

1    Walkington Road / Westwood Road will be closed to Eastbound traffic from Keldgate Road junction (at Beverley Golf Club entrance) to Albert Terrace from 6-00pm until 7-30pm  and then in both directions from 7-30pm until 9-30pm

2    Cartwright Lane / Keldgate Road will be closed to Westbound traffic from 6-00pm until 9-30pm from the Thurstan Road / Sloe Lane crossroads to the junction of Walkington Road at Beverley Golf Club entrance.

Please note that anyone parking on the highway or on the verges around the Westwood do so entirely at their own risk and the Beverley Lions Club will not accept any liability for any damage.  It suggested that they park in the car parks in Beverley which are free after 6-00pm.

The Beverley Lions Club looks forward to providing this free spectacular evening of traditional entertainment for all the people in the Beverley area, as they have done for the past 30 years, but as with events of this type, the cleaning up afterwards is essential.  Everyone is encouraged to use the litter sacks that will be provided on the night and anyone who would like to come along to help with cleaning up on the Saturday morning at 9-00am, would be most welcome. Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

[nggallery id=254] Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

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This article has 1 Comment

  1. Thank you also the tax payers of the town who, through Beverley Town Council’s precept, part fund the building and clearance of the bonfire (a fact not usually mentioned).

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