New Beverley Bypass Fight Hits the Road Again


MP for Beverley and Holderness, Graham Stuart, today said he would be working hard to make sure plans for a southern relief road around Beverley would go ahead.

His comments came after the Department for Transport announced the East Riding Council would be allowed to put forward a bid for the £35 million project.

Many other transport schemes across the Yorkshire and Humber region have been shelved including a £200 million plan to upgrade Castle Street in Hull.

Graham said: “Now the hard work really starts.

“I am relieved the Minister has said the Beverley bypass can bid for a slice of the £600 million budget available. This really is a vital scheme for the historic town of Beverley – it will greatly reduce the traffic passing the Minster and with its associated park and ride should make visiting this beautiful town a lot easier.”

Graham said he would be seeking an urgent meeting with Transport Secretary Philip Hammond to push the case for the relief road project.

He added: “So much work has already been done by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council on this project. It would be wrong not to make sure we push forward with it as soon as possible.

Graham took a delegation to meet the former Transport Secretary who approved the project. But, following the General Election, the scheme was thrown into doubt as the new Coalition Government realised Labour had committed cash to projects it did not have.

“I think the fact the Minister has agreed this project can bid,” said Graham “Shows it is important and value for money – those are vital assets as the Government tries to balance the books after so many profligate years of Labour rule.”

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