The Beverley Lions held their annual bonfire and firework display on the Beverley Westwood on Friday 5th November.
With help from the soldiers based at DST Leconfield, The Beverley Lions constructed the bonfire out of old wooden pallets and firewood collected from around the Westwoods. They also put up temporary fences and organised the various attractions, such as refreshment stalls and fairground rides, which had arrived on the pastures for the evening.
The Humber Colts also did their bit to help. Colts Manager Tony Henderson was joined by Chairman Rob Hunter and the injured Steve Grantham collecting money around Beverley Town Centre during the evening.
Fresh from the success of Friday evening, the Beverley Lions were out on the Westwoods first thing Saturday morning with an army of helpers to do a scrupulous clean-up of the Westwood Pasture. The 1st Molescroft Scout Group, led by Kester Sharpe, had members of their Scout Troop (10 – 14 year olds) & Explorer Unit (aged 14 – 18) tooled up with bin-liners and gloves, and several volunteers from the Leconfield Army Base were on hand to organise the entire operation and ensure every square inch of pastureland was clear of rubbish and safe for the cows. Approximately 40 sacks of rubbish were collected.
During the clean-up a set of keys, a single key and a lighter were found, if you have lost any of the items please contact Ian Sagar of the Beverley Lions. Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size
[nggallery id=1040] Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size